Its really good the updates! But when i was in Level ! I saw partypoopers but partypoopers are normally good guys but when they are provoked they send you to level fun
I watched both of your youtube videos about how you made the game not bad at all for a kid your age you are going to make great games even though this game was not bad at all!
At the pool level, it lagged super hard and most of the water did not load in so all I saw was just black floors may need to look into fixing that! :D
The new update is really cool, I love all the new features and please keep working on this game! But I had one issue with the world generation in the poolrooms, it is too slow for me and I could not finish the level.
I experienced the slow generation in the Poolrooms as well, and unfortunately, I just could not fix it. I probably will have to redo my level generation code to ensure that the levels load fast enough. Oh well :)
Nice! For the next update, I've added a level switcher so that if a level is too difficult, you can just go to the next one (so you won't miss the next levels). :)
Hi! i have little problem. can you make that backrooms for macbook's cuz game on mac looks like crushed game so u can fix it? Oh! and the Game on macbooks look like this:
Game was a little short and felt like it overcompensated by having levels like level 0 and level fun be pretty long, but it's a fun game and I enjoyed it. Just a few issues on the pee-see-draw-something-map-generation, on the hallway level theres alot of issues with hallways ending with no walls so you can just walk aut into the void. Also level 0 isn't dark so I think it'd be cool if you could see whats inside rooms that your character can see (like lines drawn from the character to see what he can see,i think this is called raytracing.)
Also in level fun maybe instead of random whispers coming from the partygoers, have the song "Daisy Bell" (by the robot voice) play since in the backrooms thats what they play
Hey, thanks for all the feedback! I definitely agree that the game is short and feels unpolished, as I made it only 5 days without much time for polishing or playtesting. I will update the game with more features, and hopefully, that will respond to some of your critiques. Thanks for the review! :D
Thanks for the feedback! I'll add more levels in the future. I'm also not to experienced regarding the enemy AI (the bacteria you pointed out), but I'll do my best to improve on it :)
so i had downloaded this but there's some problems in the pipe dreams the hallways just end and u can just go into a darkness and then back and other times the hallways connect without making a cross section so its just a end then you go back and the smiler was there waiting so it becomes a trap and it takes a while for the elevator to spawn so you are just running wishing that there is no end or a trap
Yep. This was a problem I encountered during playtesting and I didn't really know how to fix it, especially with the limited time I had to make the game. Will keep in mind for the update though! :)
get linux in the settings and then put the game in linux files then press the terminal type "sudo apt update" then rename the zip file to backrooms then do "unzip" then renem the exe to 2dbackrooms then do "wine 2dbackrooms.exe rename the _data file to 2dbackrooms_data (IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE WINE THING INSTALLED TYPE "winecfg")
← Return to game
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i like the backrooms and ur game is so so cool
why is it possible to just walk out of the map on level fun
beat it
the level ! ones are way faster nvm
maybe improve the loading time? happens on other levels but most signifigantly the poolrooms.
bro it loads in so slow i can literally walk in the middle of eternal darkness and the exit is nowhere to be spawned (get it?)
its so long to load ugh
i honestly don't know how i did this :0
LOVED the different entities! Especially how you stayed accurate to the lore of the backrooms, I got major respect for you, man!
nice game but the entities are a little too fast for my liking
this is hard the enites are fast
when update
so scary
hey if you could message me back on discord I would like to talk to you about something my username is Soy2085(ง'̀-'́)ง#8507
Hold up... Is the shading that effects your view... AMOGUS SHADING??!!
great game btw
Hello Mr. Developer
Can You Tell Me How To Play It On Android? Because It's All Black But I Can Hear Some SFX.
he fixed it
yes sorry this my other acounet
never thought such friendly partypoopers can be so terrifying chasing you
there was a bug where there was no wall
hey creator how do i fix this i cant play the game because my laptop thinks its a virus
so please help me with this
Its really good the updates! But when i was in Level ! I saw partypoopers but partypoopers are normally good guys but when they are provoked they send you to level fun
I watched both of your youtube videos about how you made the game not bad at all for a kid your age you are going to make great games even though this game was not bad at all!
At the pool level, it lagged super hard and most of the water did not load in so all I saw was just black floors may need to look into fixing that! :D
It's the third game
Cool! Thanks for playing! :D
please add an option to get rid of the vhs effect. Also nice videos
Good suggestion! Glad you like the vids :)
thanks. Also when is it coming out on the play store
The Google Play store link should be on the page, but you can just follow this link:
The new update is really cool, I love all the new features and please keep working on this game! But I had one issue with the world generation in the poolrooms, it is too slow for me and I could not finish the level.
Glad you like the update!
I experienced the slow generation in the Poolrooms as well, and unfortunately, I just could not fix it. I probably will have to redo my level generation code to ensure that the levels load fast enough. Oh well :)
I got to the partygoer one.
Nice! For the next update, I've added a level switcher so that if a level is too difficult, you can just go to the next one (so you won't miss the next levels). :)
Hi! i have little problem. can you make that backrooms for macbook's cuz game on mac looks like crushed game so u can fix it? Oh! and the Game on macbooks look like this:
Ooh, hmm. I'll be honest, I wouldn't really know how to fix that. Maybe in the future, but no promises! :)
Game was a little short and felt like it overcompensated by having levels like level 0 and level fun be pretty long, but it's a fun game and I enjoyed it. Just a few issues on the pee-see-draw-something-map-generation, on the hallway level theres alot of issues with hallways ending with no walls so you can just walk aut into the void. Also level 0 isn't dark so I think it'd be cool if you could see whats inside rooms that your character can see (like lines drawn from the character to see what he can see,i think this is called raytracing.)
Also in level fun maybe instead of random whispers coming from the partygoers, have the song "Daisy Bell" (by the robot voice) play since in the backrooms thats what they play
anyways awesome game keep up the work
Sorry for long rant-like comment
Hey, thanks for all the feedback! I definitely agree that the game is short and feels unpolished, as I made it only 5 days without much time for polishing or playtesting. I will update the game with more features, and hopefully, that will respond to some of your critiques. Thanks for the review! :D
This game is alright, I wish it had more levels and Bacteria entity ehh isn't good. Also Im a arrow key fan and it requires wasd....
plus levels are too dark...
Thanks for the feedback! I'll add more levels in the future. I'm also not to experienced regarding the enemy AI (the bacteria you pointed out), but I'll do my best to improve on it :)
Thanks! also This game is fun too. also i luv ur vids
Glad you like it! Look forward to an update soon :)
i dont use that much :(
The game is free! You just need to hit "download now" and "no thanks, just take me to the downloads" in the next screen :)
so i had downloaded this but there's some problems in the pipe dreams the hallways just end and u can just go into a darkness and then back and other times the hallways connect without making a cross section so its just a end then you go back and the smiler was there waiting so it becomes a trap and it takes a while for the elevator to spawn so you are just running wishing that there is no end or a trap
Yep. This was a problem I encountered during playtesting and I didn't really know how to fix it, especially with the limited time I had to make the game. Will keep in mind for the update though! :)
can you make a browser build
Planning on doing so! (After my vacation) :)
sweet thanks
cuz partygoers play nursery music to slow ppl down so they can turn them into cakes or just turn them into partygoers
Yep! I believe the Partygoers song is "Daisy Daisy" (as some people have pointed out int the YouTube comment section) :)
add that partygoers slowly slow your character down
Ooh, good idea!
hey i have a chromebook can you please make it for chromebooks that would be nice
get linux in the settings and then put the game in linux files then press the terminal type "sudo apt update" then rename the zip file to backrooms then do "unzip" then renem the exe to 2dbackrooms then do "wine 2dbackrooms.exe rename the _data file to 2dbackrooms_data (IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE WINE THING INSTALLED TYPE "winecfg")
I made a WebGL build for the game. Would you mind confirming if it works for you?
Thank you! :D